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被浏览: 0次 2023年09月02日 14:41

30 years ago, our motherland is also like a dragon sleeping on our feet, and 30 years later, the dragon that had regained consciousness, and into a building of our world. As a result of solidarity and for all, the original paving the坑坑洼洼ground, it changes the original "leaking the summer, winter ventilation," rows of houses into a high-rise ... ...
We applaud the 60th anniversary of the establishment of the motherland, and we applaud the construction of the motherland, we are now cheering for the motherland, but also cheer for the future of the motherland. 30 years has undergone enormous changes in the motherland: remove some material change in most people's minds change. Before even a little sugar will抢着吃, and now the children are learning so that Jung as a pear.
Before the decline of our country from the beginning of the previous generation, today the achievements of the motherland is also beautiful from the hold up their hands, they hold hands with their beautiful motherland tomorrow the sun, let us once again decline from the horizon of the motherland or , the sun slowly in all directions, as in our body, but also according to each one of us into the heart. The sun rises from the east came to the West, we use our love to keep him, so hungry Oh Changsheng prosperity of the motherland have become increasingly great.
Now there is such a success of the motherland can not be achieved without everyone's dedication, the family of the motherland as the same as a home, we do not want to do more to it? To lay the foundation for life after it?
Health of our motherland is, the raising of the motherland place, she is our mother in every possible way to take care of us, raising us up, we as a Chinese, not forget our roots, we need to we as a people cheering, proud of the motherland is a great, open since the 30th anniversary of the motherland have taken place in far too many of the century, I am shocked that the Wenchuan earthquake last year.
The earthquake claimed the lives of many people, this is the motherland of an earthquake in an unprecedented loss of life, after the number of surviving children, parents looking for their families, the number of students to teachers to come forward to save their own flesh and blood blocked the disaster, the number of mothers to save their children to sacrifice their precious lives, how sad it is one thing, ah, he not only changed the Sichuan, have also changed our compatriots in the motherland, the people caring for each stretch are a helping hand to help them, for them to donate money, donations to help them regain their homeland, which is to be a saying that "there is hardly one, P Plus support." Blood is thicker than water, we the people of the motherland, are a people, their families are in trouble, how could it not help? Therefore, we should bless the people of Wenchuan, and wish them a speedy recovery and regain their health, regain their homes.
Shortly after the earthquake, our motherland has been held in Beijing Olympic and Paralympic Games to promote the cultural exchanges between China and for us to add luster to the motherland of our torch relay will open up new horizons in order to enjoy peace and share the Olympic theme Olympic Games, the Olympic torch will be eternally across the world's highest peak Mu Lang Ma Chu-feng, so as to achieve a new level.
Mother is great, we should hail the motherland, I hope we have more and more prosperous country.
30年前、私たちの祖国は、私たちの足には龙のように寝て、 30年后、意识を取り戻していた龙が、そして私たちの世界の建物の中に。その结果、すべての连帯のために、元の舗装坑坑洼洼地面には、オリジナルの"夏の高层ビルには、冬の换気は、 "住宅の変更を行漏れ... ...
私たちは祖国の设立60周年の拍手を、私たちは、祖国の建设に拍手を、私たちは现在、母国が、応援しているも、祖国の未来を応援します。 30年に母国の巨大な変化をしている:ほとんどの人々の心の変化をいくつかの重大な変更を削除します。少し前にも、砂糖、今の子供たちが学んでいるチョン抢着吃することはナシ。

この地震は、この前例のない人生の损失で、地震の祖国、生き残った子供たちの亲が家族を探しているのは、数字の后に、教师が生徒の数が进むに自分の肉と血を保存し、多くの人々の生活を主张している灾害ブロック、母亲の数が、その后どのように一つのこと、ああだ悲しいの尊い命を犠牲にして自分の子供を保存し、彼は、四川省は変更されませんまた、母国では、各ストレッチの世话をしている人が私たちの有限会社を変更したにお金を寄付することに救いの手を、寄付をするには、これは"ほとんど1つは、 pの他、フィールドサポートしていると言っているの故郷、回复できるようにするにしてください。 "血の水をより厚くすると、私たちは祖国の人々は、人々 、その家族のトラブルでは、どのように助けることができなかったしていますか?したがって、我々は、 Wenchuanの人々を祝福し、それらの迅速な回复を愿い、自分の健康を取り戻す、その家を取り戻す。


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  30 years ago, our motherland is also like a dragon sleeping on our feet, and 30 years later, the dragon that had regained consciousness, and into a building of our world. As a result of solidarity and for all, the original paving the坑坑洼洼ground, it changes the original "leaking the summer, winter ventilation," rows of houses into a high-rise ... ...
  We applaud the 60th anniversary of the establishment of the motherland, and we applaud the construction of the motherland, we are now cheering for the motherland, but also cheer for the future of the motherland. 30 years has undergone enormous changes in the motherland: remove some material change in most people's minds change.Before even a little sugar will抢着吃, and now the children are learning so that Jung as a pear.
  Before the decline of our country from the beginning of the previous generation, today the achievements of the motherland is also beautiful from the hold up their hands, they hold hands with their beautiful motherland tomorrow the sun, let us once again decline from the horizon of the motherland or , the sun slowly in all directions, as in our body, but also according to each one of us into the heart.The sun rises from the east came to the West, we use our love to keep him, so hungry Oh Changsheng prosperity of the motherland have become increasingly great.
  Now there is such a success of the motherland can not be achieved without everyone's dedication, the family of the motherland as the same as a home, we do not want to do more to it? To lay the foundation for life after it?

  Health of our motherland is, the raising of the motherland place, she is our mother in every possible way to take care of us, raising us up, we as a Chinese, not forget our roots, we need to we as a people cheering, proud of the motherland is a great, open since the 30th anniversary of the motherland have taken place in far too many of the century, I am shocked that the Wenchuan earthquake last year.
  Health of our motherland is, the raising of the motherland place, she is our mother in every possible way to take care of us, raising us up, we as a Chinese, not forget our roots, we need to we as a people cheering, proud of the motherland is a great, open since the 30th anniversary of the motherland have taken place in far too many of the century, I am shocked that the Wenchuan earthquake last year.
  Shortly after the earthquake, our motherland has been held in Beijing Olympic and Paralympic Games to promote the cultural exchanges between China and for us to add luster to the motherland of our torch relay will open up new horizons in order to enjoy peace and share the Olympic theme Olympic Games, the Olympic torch will be eternally across the world's highest peak Mu Lang Ma Chu-feng, so as to achieve a new level.
  Shortly after the earthquake, our motherland has been held in Beijing Olympic and Paralympic Games to promote the cultural exchanges between China and for us to add luster to the motherland of our torch relay will open up new horizons in order to enjoy peace and share the Olympic theme Olympic Games, the Olympic torch will be eternally across the world's highest peak Mu Lang Ma Chu-feng, so as to achieve a new level.


30 years ago, our motherland is also like a dragon sleeping on our feet, and 30 years later, the dragon that had regained consciousness, and into a building of our world. As a result of solidarity and for all, the original paving the坑坑洼洼ground, it changes the original "leaking the summer, winter ventilation," rows of houses into a high-rise ... ...
We applaud the 60th anniversary of the establishment of the motherland, and we applaud the construction of the motherland, we are now cheering for the motherland, but also cheer for the future of the motherland. 30 years has undergone enormous changes in the motherland: remove some material change in most people's minds change.Before even a little sugar will抢着吃, and now the children are learning so that Jung as a pear.
Before the decline of our country from the beginning of the previous generation, today the achievements of the motherland is also beautiful from the hold up their hands, they hold hands with their beautiful motherland tomorrow the sun, let us once again decline from the horizon of the motherland or , the sun slowly in all directions, as in our body, but also according to each one of us into the heart.The sun rises from the east came to the West, we use our love to keep him, so hungry Oh Changsheng prosperity of the motherland have become increasingly great.
Now there is such a success of the motherland can not be achieved without everyone's dedication, the family of the motherland as the same as a home, we do not want to do more to it? To lay the foundation for life after it?

