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被浏览: 0次 2023年07月13日 23:31

My Dream

I dream of being a doctor.

My mother is a doctor. She always has to wor k extra hours and comes home late and tired. She has to go to the hospital immediately any time she is needed, no matter how late it is at night. When I was very little , I once asked her why she chose such a boring and hard job. S he answered with a smile, “Yes I am sometim es very tired but seeing my patients getting b etter and better makes me happy from the bot tom of my heart.”

As I grow up, I gradually come t o understand her words and realize doctors are noble. I ma de up my mind to be a doctor when I was in ju nior school and this has never changed since then.

I really hope to see a world where there is no cancer, no Aids, no fatal disease, no one suffe ring from illness. But this is only a fantasy. W hat about the reality? There are still many ma ny people who are faced with disastrous dise ase and suffering from constant pain. There a re still many many people living in miserable condition and live miserably. There are still m any many people dying of cancer and leaving the beautiful world reluctantly. All those thing s make me feel sad because I think everyone has the right to live . I want to help the sick an d reduce their pain as much as I can. I want t o bring a healthy body to the patients and sav e their lives as many as I can. I want to see pe ople cured ,living happily with their families a nd friends after my treatment. So I want to be a doctor ,an angel in white.

When I become a doctor, I will cherish each lif e regardless of the races, sexes, ages, positio ns and occupations. I will do every bit to cure the incurable.

I already have a dream in my heart,so I have t o make every effort to realize it.【As a high sc hool student now,I will seize every chance to study hard,arm myself with knowledge, prepa re myself for the future and strive for my drea ms.( 可以省略)】I will be determined, face the reality bravely and not surrender to any pr oblems I meet.

Just as Gothe says,“The important thing in lif e is to have a great aim and be determined to attain it.”Being a doctor is my dream. I think it is simple but meanful

我的梦想 我梦想将来成为一个医生。 我的妈妈是一位白衣天使。她经常早出晚归, 只要医院有需要,她立刻赶去,无论有多晚。 在我很小的时候,我曾经问她,为什么要选择 这样一个枯燥无味的工作。她笑着说,的确有 时我也感觉很累,但是看到我的病人慢慢病愈 ,我从心底高兴。 等到我长大一些,逐渐理解了她的话,也意识 到医生有多么的光荣,我下定决心成为一名医 生,从那以后,这成为了唯一的理想,至今未 变。 我真心希望看到一个没有任何疾病的世界,但 是这只是一个幻想。真实是什么样子的呢?很 多人承受着疾病的折磨,很多人生活在一个绝 望的困景中,也有很多人被癌症夺走了生命失 去了生活在美好世界的机会……这一切的一切让 我觉得很伤心,每个生命都是鲜活的。我想用 自己的力量去帮助那些人,减轻他们的痛苦, 同时也减轻了我的痛苦。我想还给他们一个健 康的身体,尽自己的努力去拯救更多的人,我 更想看到在我的帮助后他们幸福、快乐地与家 人生活在一起,所以我想成为一个医生, 一个 白衣天使。 I当我成为一个医生,我会尽自己的最大能力去 挽救生命,不论各族、性别、年龄、地位…… 我的内心中的梦想,促使我尽自己的努力去实 现它。【现在我是一个中学生,我会好好学习 ,用知识武装自己,为我的未来和想想做准备 。(可省去)】既然下定决心做,我就会勇敢 地面对所有遇到的困难,不畏艰险。 正如,歌德所说“人生中最重要的是树立目标并 且义无返顾的实现它”成为一个医生是我的梦想 ,一个简单而有意思梦想! <收起

心 My Dream

I dream of being a doctor.

My mother is a doctor. She always has to wor k extra hours and comes home late and tired. She has to go to the hospital immediately any time she is needed, no matter how late it is at night. When I was very little , I once asked her why she chose such a boring and hard job. S he answered with a smile, “Yes I am sometim es very tired but seeing my patients getting b etter and better makes me happy from the bot tom of my heart.”

As I grow up, I gradually come t o understand her words and realize doctors are noble. I ma de up my mind to be a doctor when I was in ju nior school and this has never changed since then.

I really hope to see a world where there is no cancer, no Aids, no fatal disease, no one suffe ring from illness. But this is only a fantasy. W hat about the reality? There are still many ma ny people who are faced with disastrous dise ase and suffering from constant pain. There a re still many many people living in miserable condition and live miserably. There are still m any many people dying of cancer and leaving the beautiful world reluctantly. All those thing s make me feel sad because I think everyone has the right to live . I want to help the sick an d reduce their pain as much as I can. I want t o bring a healthy body to the patients and sav e their lives as many as I can. I want to see pe ople cured ,living happily with their families a nd friends after my treatment. So I want to be a doctor ,an angel in white.

When I become a doctor, I will cherish each lif e regardless of the races, sexes, ages, positio ns and occupations. I will do every bit to cure the incurable.

I already have a dream in my heart,so I have t o make every effort to realize it.【As a high sc hool student now,I will seize every chance to study hard,arm myself with knowledge, prepa re myself for the future and strive for my drea ms.( 可以省略)】I will be determined, face the reality bravely and not surrender to any pr oblems I meet.

Just as Gothe says,“The important thing in lif e is to have a great aim and be determined to attain it.”Being a doctor is my dream. I think it is simple but meanful

我的梦想 我梦想将来成为一个医生。 我的妈妈是一位白衣天使。她经常早出晚归, 只要医院有需要,她立刻赶去,无论有多晚。 在我很小的时候,我曾经问她,为什么要选择 这样一个枯燥无味的工作。她笑着说,的确有 时我也感觉很累,但是看到我的病人慢慢病愈 ,我从心底高兴。 等到我长大一些,逐渐理解了她的话,也意识 到医生有多么的光荣,我下定决心成为一名医 生,从那以后,这成为了唯一的理想,至今未 变。 我真心希望看到一个没有任何疾病的世界,但 是这只是一个幻想。真实是什么样子的呢?很 多人承受着疾病的折磨,很多人生活在一个绝 望的困景中,也有很多人被癌症夺走了生命失 去了生活在美好世界的机会……这一切的一切让 我觉得很伤心,每个生命都是鲜活的。我想用 自己的力量去帮助那些人,减轻他们的痛苦, 同时也减轻了我的痛苦。我想还给他们一个健 康的身体,尽自己的努力去拯救更多的人,我 更想看到在我的帮助后他们幸福、快乐地与家 人生活在一起,所以我想成为一个医生, 一个 白衣天使。 I当我成为一个医生,我会尽自己的最大能力去 挽救生命,不论各族、性别、年龄、地位…… 我的内心中的梦想,促使我尽自己的努力去实 现它。【现在我是一个中学生,我会好好学习 ,用知识武装自己,为我的未来和想想做准备 。(可省去)】既然下定决心做,我就会勇敢 地面对所有遇到的困难,不畏艰险。 正如,歌德所说“人生中最重要的是树立目标并 且义无返顾的实现它”成为一个医生是我的梦想 ,一个简单而有意思梦想!


my dream
hello everyone! it is my great pleasure to share my dream with you today.
my dream is to become a teacher.
you know being a teacher is a thing that is very valuable and very interesting. i suggest that it must be a great fun to be with children all the day. and if i am a teacher, i can teach my students a lot of knowledge. they might become stronger and cleverer because of me. that is a very contented feeling.
china is a developing country. chinese are not that excellent in their intellegent. so teachers in china might be very very important. they can provide the society with a lot of successful people, and make china a better place.
do you think that i have a good dream? i will work hard to make my dream become true!



Hello everyone. my name is XXX, I come from the second middle school . It's my great pleasure to stand here today. Everybody, do you have dreams? I believe your answers will be “Yes”, so do I. I will share my dreams with you. In my life, I have many dreams.
I had a dream when I was a pupil, I wanted to be a teacher, I hoped to teach knowledge to children and serve the society.
I have a dream now, I hope that I will be successful in this speech, but not to be a winner, it's I hope I can overcome this challenge, overcome myselfe.
I have a dream that next year I will enter senior high school. Accepting more knowledge, and enriching myselfe.
I have a dream that one day I enter the university. Make more friends, having more exercise. It's perfect that experience of the university for me.
I have a dream that one day I find a belongs to my own work, have a satisfactory income, and I will work hard.
I have a dream thatone day I have a happy family, a husband, a son, they are my world.
I have a dream that my parents always stay in healthy. I will treat them with filial respect, and try my best to conten their requirements.
I have a dream that I hope all my dreams will come true under my endeavor.
That's all, thank you!


Hello everyone. my name is XXX, I come from the second middle school . It's my great pleasure to stand here today. Everybody, do you have dreams? I believe your answers will be “Yes”, so do I. I will share my dreams with you. In my life, I have many dreams.
I had a dream when I was a pupil, I wanted to be a teacher, I hoped to teach knowledge to children and serve the society.
I have a dream now, I hope that I will be successful in this speech, but not to be a winner, it's I hope I can overcome this challenge, overcome myselfe.
I have a dream that next year I will enter senior high school. Accepting more knowledge, and enriching myselfe.
I have a dream that one day I enter the university. Make more friends, having more exercise. It's perfect that experience of the university for me.
I have a dream that one day I find a belongs to my own work, have a satisfactory income, and I will work hard.
I have a dream thatone day I have a happy family, a husband, a son, they are my world.
I have a dream that my parents always stay in healthy. I will treat them with filial respect, and try my best to conten their requirements.
I have a dream that I hope all my dreams will come true under my endeavor.
That's all, thank you!


Dream 梦想
Everyone have dreams, which are everybody yearning. The man who without dreams
每个人都有梦想, 它是人人所渴望的。 没有梦想的人
in his life will be empty, but dreams always be changing as your thought go forward.
的人生将是空白的, 但梦想总是随着你思想的前进而改变衫巧的。
When I was in primary school, I had a dream. I hope that I won't have homework 当我小学时, 我有一个梦想。 我希望将来有一天可以没有有家庭作业。 to do one day. But the time we can play have became less and less, and 1/3 in our 可 玩耍的时间变得或做键越来越少, 而我们一天中的三分之一 day we were imprisoned in the classroom, so many time on study! And till I come 被禁锢在教室, 太多时间在 学习上。 直到我上 to the junior high school, I had a dream, I hope I can become a good child,I can 初中 我有一个梦想,我希望自己能成为一个好孩子 ;
be praised by my family when I return home;can be sure by teachers at school; and 回到家能受到家人的表扬 ; 在学校能受到胡码老师们的肯定 ;
can have a outstanding performance among the classmates .在同学之间能有出众的表现。