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被浏览: 0次 2023年07月07日 13:47

Global climate change
In the modern society, global climate change has become a hot topic. Indeed, global climate change influenced human beings from many aspects.
global climate change has brought us a mixture of bad influence.
1. 全球气候变化会影响农产物的产量下降姿握慧。农产物的产量一旦下降,这不但导致农民的生活质量没有得到保障,而且会影响农产物在市场上的销售价格增高。在如今经济危机未完全恢复的情况下,农产物的价格增高,人们的工资不涨,其实,最终的受害人还是人们还有社会。在那种情况下,收入水平低的人们会觉得蔬菜贵,不舍得花钱买,这不仅影响了人们的消费观,还影响到了社会的经济水平。
The output of farm produce may decline due to global climate change. Thus farmers’ living standard will reduce and the price of farm produce will increase. As for now, people haven’t recovered from economic crisis totally, with the low salary; the ultimate victims will be all the people and society. In this condition, people with lower salaries may not so willing to buy much vegetable. It has a bad influence not only on people’s consumption concept, but also on the whole social economy level.
2. 全球气候变化会影响人们的生活。例如:我如今在珠海读书。珠海的天气真的是千变万化,经常出现的情况是:今天早上刮大风,下午出猛烈的太阳,到了晚上又会刮风下大雨。这样的天气对人们的身体是很大影皮铅响的。一方面,如此颠簸的天气,人们会不适应,甚至有些人由于天气的急促变化导致生病。另一方面,它也会影响着人们工作以及学习的心情,让人们的心情感到很沉闷,觉得生活很乏味。沉闷的心情,其实对人们的心理和生理都是不合适的,是有很大不好的影响的。
Global climate change will affect people’s daily life, too. For example, as I study in Zhuhai, the weather is changeable here: maybe it’s windy in the morning, sunny at noon, and rains heavily at night. This kind of weather has a very bad influence in people’s health. On one hand, people can not adapt to the changeable weather that someone get ill because of it. On the other hand, the changeable weather will affect people’s mood in study or at work. People feel boring and tied, it’s not health both physically and mentally
3. 根据专家的分析,全球气候变化还会促进有害虫子的增长。这是对农产物和人们的身体健康造成很大的伤害。因为这样,人们的疾病会不断增多,农产物的产量会急促下降。
According to the expert's analysis, the global climate change will also promote the growth of harmful insects, which is harmful for agriculture and the physical health of people. For disease increase and farm products decrease rapidly.


Global climate change
In modern life, global climate change discussion has become the hot issue of people. Indeed, the global climate change affects people's party.
Global climate change brought us a lot of bad influence.
1. The global climate change will affect agriculture product yields. Agriculture product yield once drop, this not only lead to farmer's quality of life didn't get guarantee, and will affect agriculture products in the market sale price increases. The economic crisis has not fully recovered now, under the situation of agriculture product price increases, people's wages don't rise, in fact, the final victim or people and society. In that case, the low income people think vegetables expensive, not willing to spend money to buy, which not only affects the people's consumption, but also affects the social economy.
2. The global climate change will affect the life of people. For example: now I read in zhuhai. Zhuhai weather really is protean, often appear the situation is that the wind this morning, afternoon the fierceness of the sun, in the evening the wind and the heavy rain. This kind of weather on people's physical is of great influence. On one hand, so the turbulence of the weather, people will not adapt, even some people because of the weather changes in shortness of illness. On the other hand, it will also affect people work and learning mood, let people's mood was very boring, think life is boring. Depressing mood, in fact on people's psychology and physiology is not suitable, there's a big bad influence.
3. According to the expert's analysis, the global climate change will also promote the growth of harmful insects. This is the product of agriculture, and people's physical health do a lot of damage. Because of this, people's disease will increase, agricultural product production decline shortness.


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