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关于第一次上台唱歌的作文 急急急急急急急!!!十万火急啊!!!!!

被浏览: 0次 2023年06月10日 03:14

第一次上台唱歌 一直以来,我惧怕着上台唱歌,可直到有一次上台,才没 有了那心理作用。 大概是这样吧!在星期三上午,最后一节课,老师点了几 个人上台唱歌,最后一个叫到我,这时,我心里既兴奋又恐 惧,既激动又紧张,反正是酸甜酸苦辣样样具全,我踏着缓慢 的步子走上台,开始唱歌:2002年的第一场雪,比以往时 候来得更晚一些,停靠在八楼的二路汽车,带走了最后一片飘 落的黄叶......开始唱得不错,可到了第五句的时候,忘记了 一些,心里消凯乱成一团糟,便拖长了点宽桥弯音,一阵微风拂过,我终 于记起来歌词,可刚唱完第五句有一个怪音要从口中唱出,我 马上尽一切的力量,竭力让那个怪音不要蹦出来,终于没有 了,心里的一块天大的石头终于放下来了,这个时候,台下响 起一阵阵热烈的掌声,好像在为我鼓劲叫好,这种感觉让我信 心十足,这信心足以所向披靡,无坚不摧,我便打起气,鼓足 了大劲了,唱到结尾,这时一阵大风吹来,把我的慎闷最后一句歌 词给忘得干干净净,我十分紧张:要是在同学们面前出洋相可 不是好玩的,我突然想了一个天衣无缝的好办法,便叫同学们 和我一起唱最后一句,大家唱了一点点,我就记得清清楚楚, 于是就顺顺利利地唱完了这一首好听的流行歌曲。 大家马上鼓掌,以表鼓励。 这时我的心里美得受不了,这种甜滋滋又高兴的感觉让我 终身难忘!


Sunday my brother and I went fishing. We came to the pond, my brother gave me a fishing rod, also help me to fish together. Then, I put the rods placed in water, waiting for the food to the fish swim. Suddenly, rod hanging down, I thought it was a small fish, hurried the rod out of the water, it is a large leather shoes, brother saw, clutching his belly laugh, make me good no face. But I was not angry, but not discouraged, continue fishing. After a while, the rod again sank, I'm glad like the first time to the fishing rod out of the water. But worse than the last, nothing, the urgency I tears in the eyes straight in front. Brother to see I wanted to cry, while coax me aside and advised me to say:" little fool, don't cry, this is the wind in hanky-panky! You should have patience, to observe, to catch fish." so, I again the courage, wiped away tears, third fishing. Presently, Yugan shook, stopped, and shake, repeatedly several. Brother gone, for I ratio gestures, mean - don't panic, I decided not to be observed. In their two errors, but through the crystal clear water at, really, There is a small fish in the proximity of the bait. But it does not directly eat, I want to be in the trial, ( even the fish are so clever. Finally, the fish mouth feeding ), then I yanked the alive and kicking, a small show in front of me. I exciting dance with joy, his brother was also happy for me, but also a strong praise me


自己写啊 实在不行交白卷啊