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被浏览: 0次 2023年09月27日 16:31

In this year, I steped into university, in which I have learned so much and got lots of impressive experiences.
This was the first meeting of our class. All of my classmates introduced themselves, and I knew many classmates that day.
This was our freshman basketball match. We tried our best , though we couldn't make it to the finals.
This was the visit to automobile plant. It was so large and grand, which impressed me deeply.
This was the get-together party between our class and another. At that party I knew some new friends and enjoyed the time happily.
This was the school sports meeting. Everyone took in part actively. Some of my classmates got excellent scores, and we were glad for them.
In this picture it was the day when we work as volunteers at Jiangbin Park to clean junks in the park. We felt tired but happy.
This is the training in our university. We were so excited about the various kinds of machines, though we felt so tired. It is really pain in good way.
There are lots of activities in university, however the burden of study is heavy. What makes me feel under pressure is the large quantity of homework.
In sum, while we get free in university, it is important to gain knowledge by ourselves with self-conscious and hard working.



This year I entered the door of the university. I've learned a lot of things in the university and it has left me strong impressions of many events
This is our first meeting in the class the the students introduced themselves one by one. I got to know a lot of new classmates.
This is a basketball match for the new students. Although we didn't get into the final, we have tried our best.
This is a visit to the car factory. The plant is very big and awesome. It leaves me a deep impression
This is a farewell party with the other classes. I again got to know some friends and I am very happy.
This is the university sport day. Everyone have actively participated and some students got very good results. We are all so proud of them.
This is our activity as volunteers at the Lakeshore Park 江滨公园. We cleaned the rubbish in the park. Although we were tired, we all felt very happy.
This is the practical session in the university. We were excited to see all types of equipment and machines. It was a tiring experience but our happiness co-existed with our aching bodies.
There are a lot of activities in the University, but we also have a lot of assignments and tasks. They gave me a fair amount of pressure.
In summary, university proves us freedom and flexibility, but we need to be disciplined and work hard to achieve our goals of learning.


以下翻译供参考:1. 今年我踏进了大学的校门,在大学里我学到了很多东西,大学也给留下了许多深刻的事情.
I stepped into university this September and learned lots of things, some of which are impressive to me.
2. 这是我们班的第一次班会,同学们开始自我介绍,在这班会上我认识了很多新同学.
This was our first class meeting. Here we made self-introduction and I got familiar with many new classmates.
3. 这是我们班的新生蓝球比赛,虽然没得进入决赛,但大家已经很努力了.
This was the basketball match for freshmen. Although we failed to the finals, we did our best.
4. 这是我们去汽车工厂参观,那车间很大,场面非常壮观,给我留下了非常深的印像.
This was our visit to automobile plant which is huge and spectacle. It made deep impression on me.
5. 这是我们和别的班联谊,在这里又认识了一些朋友,我非常开心.
This was the sodality [səu'dæliti] with other class. I was happy to meet some friends here.
6. 这是校运会,大学都很积极地参赛,有的同学厅敏取得了非常好的成绩,我们都为他感到自豪.
This was our school sports. We took active part in this competition and were proud of the classmates who got good grades.
7. 这是我们去江滨公园当志愿者,清理公园里的垃圾,虽然很累,但我们都觉得很开心.
This was where we were volunteers in Jiangbin Park, cleaning up the trash. It was a tough work, but we were happy.
8. 这是我们扮碰枝在学校里实训,各种各样的机器让我们感到兴奋不已,不过还是很累的.让我们痛苦并快乐着.
This was our university training. We were delight to see various kinds of machines. Although it was quite tired, we shared it happily.
9. 大学的活动很多,但学习任务也很重,作业也非常多.让我感到压力很大.
In university, there are many activities and heavy learning tasks like homework, which made me really stressed.
10. 总结:大学里虽然比较自由,得要想学到东西还得靠自觉和努力
Conclusion/all in all, although we have much free time in university, we have to be active to work hard in order to learn more.

这些都是自己翻译的,有一些地方稍微改了下,比如“今年进入大学”我没有this year, 感觉this september这样翻比较好。


1. I have learnt so much and been deeply impressed by a little bit in our school life since I have been there.
2. In our first classwide meeting, every one started to introduce themselves one by one, where I have made a lot of friends.
3. Our team has made no efforts in the basketball race for newcomers though we can't get to the final.
4.during our visit to automobile plant, I was deeply impressed by its big scale and spectacularity.



1.This year I entered the gate of the university,I have learned a lot of things in the university, and the university also left me many profound things.(university一般是综合性大学,比较常用)
2.It was the first meeting of our class, students began to introduce themselves, when I met many new students in this meeting.(自我介绍:掘指introduce oneself)
3.This was a fresher basketball match for our class, even though we didn’t enter the finals, we tried so hard.(注意:虽然…但是…不能翻译成even though…but…;因为…所以…也不能翻译成because…so….)
4.This time we went to visit the car factory, the workshop was very large and spectacular, which left me a deep expression.(这里说车间很大,是指空哗铅间,容积大,因此要用large)
5.It was a community between our class with other classes, where I met other friends, I was very happy.
6.This was the school sports meeting, which many students taken actively part in, some had achieved very good results and we all were proud of them.(参加比判芦配赛:take part in...)
7.We went to the Jiangbin Park as volunteers to clean up rubbish in the park, though we were very tired, we still felt very happy.
8.This was our practical training in the school, all kinds of machines made us feel excited, but very tired. Let’s share the pains and happiness.
9.There were many activities in the university, as well as the heavy learning tasks and lots of homework, which made me feel under a lot of pressure.(压力很大: under a lot of pressure)
10.In summry,Although we are free in the university, what you want to learn still need to rely on self - consciousness and efforts


1. This year I step into the doors of universities in university, where I learned many things, the university also left many deep things.
2. This is our class first class, the students began to introduce myself, in this class meeting I met a lot of new classmates.
3. This is our class freshman basketball game, although didn't get into the final, but we've been trying hard.
4. This was our car factory and the workshop is very big, very spectacular scenes, leave me a very deep impression.
5. This is our and other class fellowship, here again know some friends, I'm very happy.
6. This is sporting events, the university is very actively participating, some classmates achieved very good results, we are proud of him.
7. It is we go to the riverside park as the volunteers, park cleanups garbage, though very tired, but we all felt very happy.
8. This is in school we practice, various machines make us feel excited, but still very tired. Let us pain and happy.
9 in campus activities many, but learning task is arduous, homework is very much also. Let me feel very stressful.
10. Conclusion: college though relatively free, must want to learn something still depends on consciously and effort