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题目是这样的! 高考过后,总有一些学习用品商家千方百计在高考状元身上下功夫,让状元们说是使用过他们的用品后取得的优异成绩。 谈谈你的看法!给状元们提建议! 这题目 真够无聊的!
被浏览: 0次 2023年04月09日 04:42

After the college entrance examination,some diligent students have took the first place.But they were unhappy these years.
What course them unhappy is that some learning suppiles businessman use the advertisements that they said those students use their goods to achieve their objective.
As we all know,there are many businessman in our life like this.They can use many methods in order to earn more money.I think we are no need to worried about it.
We can use legal weapon to keep them not to do than again.
Only after that can we students not cheated by some of business man.
