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六年级英语题目 恳请大家帮帮忙!!!!感激不尽!!

被浏览: 0次 2023年05月10日 13:33

(1)Sakchai lives in Bangkok, which is the capital of Thailand. It’s a big city with lots of new buildings as well as old temples.
Sakchai works in a car repair shop. He doesn’t make a lot of money but he enjoys his life. Bangkok streets are usually full of traffic, Sakchai comes to work on the Sky Train. It’s much faster than a car or a bus.
Sakchai lives with his parents and sister in a new farmhouse, quite a long way from the city center.
He spends his money on clothes and music. Bangkok is warm all the year round, so he doesn’t need thick clothes.
When he has a holiday, he goes with his friends to the beach. Thailand has long golden beaches with palm trees along them. The sea is blue and warm. There are beautiful views over the sea. Tourists from all over the world like to visit Thailand’s beaches. It’s a good place for a holiday.

(2)Mike wanted to send a letter to ___\____his friend , Jack. But he could neither read nor write. So he wanted __someone to_____ help him. At last, he__asked_____ a man who could write for him. His name was Nick.
But Nick ___had____already in the bed. He didn’t want to do ___anything____. “It’s late. What do you want?”
“I want you to ___write____a letter to my brother.” Mike said. Nick was not happy. He__thought_____ for a few seconds and then said, “ _Does______your brother live far from here?”
“Yes, but what does that ___matter ?” said Mike.
“Well, my handwriting is so strange that only I can read it, and if I have to travel a long way to read your letter to your brother, it will cost you a lot of_time and money”

(3)Millie doesn't have any problems in her work.(用no改写)—Millie has no problem in her work.—————
(4)Every morning Daniel exercise _for__forty__minutes__(对划烂蠢察线部分提档升问)
___How____ ___long____ __does_____Daniel ____exercise___every morning.
(1)Simon (live) (in) (a palace) (likes) this. ( A, D )_lives, like______
(2)(Why not) (going) (shopping) (with) us now? ( B )____go_______
(1)一天做两次眼保健操_do eye exercises twice a day______(2)


1填空1)capital, city, make, enjoys, flat, center, spends, beach, big(或blue), visit 2) brother(你的空格可能放错悄滚了地方消运派,应该在his和Jack之间), someone to, found, was, anything, write, thought, Does, matter, money
3) Millie has no problem in her work. 4) How long does Daniel exercise in every morning?
2改错(1) A 改成lives 或lived; D改成like
(2) B 改成拿贺 go
3.英汉互译 Do eye-excersies twice a day.


1.captial 首都 2.city 城市3.make 赚4.enough 足够 5.familay 家庭
6.centry 中心 7.spend 花 8.beach 沙滩 9.beautiful 漂亮 10.visity 旅游

二。搏李1.to his friend ?2.to 3.finded (过去式)找到 4.has 5.that 6.write
7. waited 8.are 9.mean 意思 10.money

millie have no problems in her work
how long does daniel exercise every morning

1。d likes----like
2. a why not -----why isn't



Sakchai lives in Bangkok, which is the capital of Thailand. It’s a big city with lots of new buildings as well as old temples.
Sakchai works in a car repair shop. He doesn’t make a lot of money but he enjoys his life. Bangkok streets are usually full of traffic, Sakchai comes to work on the Sky Train. It’s much faster than a car or a bus.
Sakchai lives with his parents and sister in a new farmhouse, quite a long way from the city center.
He spends his money on clothes and music. Bangkok is warm all the year round, so he doesn’乱庆芹t need thick clothes.
When he has a holiday, he goes with his friends to the beach. Thailand has long golden beaches with palm trees along them. The sea is blue and warm. There are beautiful views over the sea. Tourists from all over the world like to visit Thailand’差余s beaches. It’s a good place for a holiday.


(1) capital city make enjoys flat center spends beach blue visit
(2) matter money
(3) Milli have no problem in her work
(4) how long dose exercise

(1) A lives (2) B go

(1)Eye exercises twice a day.
