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被浏览: 0次 2023年07月25日 15:28

作文一 我自己如何独立学习英语

l love english so much and i learn it every day, now i would like to say how i learn it everyday. in the morning, i read my english book 30 minites, and then write down some new words which we will study in the day time. and every evening i copy out what i have learned . even before i get sleepy i would have my own words to repeat the text in my mind
主要是说你每天早上都读半小时英语,然后再抄写预习每天要学习的新单词,晚上回来抄写一遍课文,睡觉前再脑子里把当天学习的内容用自己的话回忆一遍,加深巩固。(你还可以加点你上课认真听讲 的 进去,因为这个是关键。或者再加点你找了个外国朋友联系口语之类的,就很好了)

作文二 我与家人如何相处

i have a big fanmily with my grand morther /farther and my panrents. we are happy for everyday. you know , my mom is good at cooking , we all love her cooking very much, and my dad loves watching foodball games, sometimes we paly football with our neighbor. after dinner i always would like to say some sweet words to thank mom for her delicious dinner and share some funning thing which had happened in school. my grand panrents like play bridge, sometimes we bet for KFC.our life is full of happy and i hope everyone has a colorful faminily.

我和爷爷奶奶,爸爸妈妈住在一起,我们是 快乐幸福的一家子。妈妈烧一手好菜,我们都很喜欢。爸爸喜欢看足球比赛信游,我们也经常和邻居一起踢球。我很喜欢妈妈做的菜,每次晚饭后我总是要说一些赞美的话来感谢妈妈做的晚饭。爷爷奶奶喜欢打桥牌,我们经常一起玩,还有时候会赌谁输了请卜坦兄吃肯型袭德基。我们的生活充满的欢声笑语,我爱我的家庭,也希望人人都能拥有幸福的家。

作文三 我恨一个人,为什么

when i saw this subject , a name came into my mind .it is my cusion LI. it is a long story in my grade school. one day , i came back home and saw a cool robot toy on my desk , it was an encouragement of my good mark in EMC, i was so happy and grabe it and then ran to my cousion's house , i wanted to show him and play with him together. when i got there, he was in punishment for his awful resuilts in his english test. i bet you dont know what happened next : he thought i was showing off my toy intention, he was so angry and crush my new toy even i did not have time to reserch how to play it at all. i think you know why i hate him and i refused to talk ti him in the next summer holiday.

看到这个题目我就想起来我堂兄,虽然这个故事已经老掉牙了。那还是我念小学的时候,一天 我放学回家,发现桌上放了一个很酷的机器人玩具——那是我在数学竞赛中获奖,爸爸给我的礼物。我高兴的拿着机器人跑去堂兄家玩。不巧的是他当时因为英语考试成绩不好正在受罚,看到我手里的机器人。他固执的认为我是故意来炫耀的。你们肯定猜不到后面发生了什么:他抢过我的机器人,然后把它摔碎了。我都来不及研究是怎么玩的,我伤心极了。看到这里你知道我为什么讨厌他了吧,我整个暑假都没有理他。

作文四 i was very angry with mather the other day.....

